In July 2019, @sheen365 on Twitter started a challenge to ask Michael Sheen one question every day for a year. Michael very kindly answered a large number of them, and when the challenge was completed in July 2020, the account decided to continue the fun into the next year.
You can propose a question at any time by posting to this thread.
This page shows every question that Michael responded to in year 2, in reverse date order.
Also see year 1, year 3 year 4 and year 5
I was hoping to play Poe at one point. I played HG Wells once. I would love to play Philip K Dick. I did slightly base my character in Jesus Henry Christ on him.
— michael sheen ? (@michaelsheen) July 15, 2021
No but I’ve been swedeing in Sweden.
— michael sheen ? (@michaelsheen) July 13, 2021
George’s dinosaur.
— michael sheen ? (@michaelsheen) July 11, 2021
I can spend surprisingly large portions of a day talking to a tree.
— michael sheen ? (@michaelsheen) July 8, 2021
Best – Colin, Worst – Martin Whitly
— michael sheen ? (@michaelsheen) July 4, 2021
They are one of my all time favourites! Very much a go to comfort listen for me. Also MaMaMaBelle is one of the greatest riffs ever.
— michael sheen ? (@michaelsheen) July 1, 2021
I remember watching Shine where Geoffrey Rush plays the pianist David Helfgott and couldn’t leave the cinema for ages afterwards I was crying so much. Haven’t seen it since though.
— michael sheen ? (@michaelsheen) June 27, 2021
Perhaps a lovely Wilf Lunn look!
— michael sheen ? (@michaelsheen) June 22, 2021
I love SNL but a week of chatting to any guests I wanted? Yes please. In a booth at a pub or a diner. Wouldn’t even need to be on a chat show.
— michael sheen ? (@michaelsheen) June 20, 2021
Well I’m willing to give it a go if they are.
— michael sheen ? (@michaelsheen) June 16, 2021
David T in Des for starters. Anna Maxwell Martin in Motherland too.
— michael sheen ? (@michaelsheen) June 9, 2021
The murder shed, the hammock and the lockdown line to Tescos.
— michael sheen ? (@michaelsheen) May 30, 2021
Spent a birthday going from Venice to Rome by train once. Loved both. First time there though was to film Othello in a castle outside Rome which was great. The Queen premiered at Venice Film Fest which was very glam. Big fan of Italy!
— michael sheen ? (@michaelsheen) May 18, 2021
In The Middle Of The Forest by Nick Cope.
— michael sheen ? (@michaelsheen) May 16, 2021
Find what connects one thought to the next not just one line to another. When the thoughts are also connected to what you’re doing physically that can help too. Then it’s just about running it over and over and over in your head and out loud when you can. Whilst walking helps me.
— michael sheen ? (@michaelsheen) April 29, 2021
Herbie Hancock
— michael sheen ? (@michaelsheen) April 27, 2021
That’s a difficult one. I very much enjoyed when we went full shouty insults in Staged S1. He really made me laugh – which spoilt a lot of takes. And the scene in GO when we’re at the dinosaur park with Adam that ends with me doing ‘magic’.
— michael sheen ? (@michaelsheen) April 18, 2021
“Where’s David?”
— michael sheen ? (@michaelsheen) April 15, 2021
“What’s he doing?”
“Ah, THERE HE IS!!!”
Used to go to the Dodgers in LA. Mets in New York and went to Wrigley Field once which was great. Loved Ken Burns Baseball series. It’s my favourite US sport.
— michael sheen ? (@michaelsheen) April 9, 2021
Too many to name. Looking up at the glorious sunrise from the dunes just before it began or standing in the dark with the rest of the actors on the beach silent, exhausted and elated with just the sound of the waves at the end are two of them though.
— michael sheen ? (@michaelsheen) April 4, 2021
Knock knock. Who’s there? Doctor…
— michael sheen ? (@michaelsheen) March 31, 2021
Doctor Faustus I suppose. There’s an absolutely fantastic book about Marlowe called ‘The Reckoning’ by Charles Nicholl. Highly recommended!
— michael sheen ? (@michaelsheen) March 21, 2021